You have finally found the perfect spot to build your home. The ideal neighborhood, enough space to put the unique touches you have always dreamed of, and the space for your dream to become reality. Whittier is where you would like to stay and Carty General Contracting is the local general contractor with decades of experience in the industry. Nobody is better equipped to handle your dream home construction.

Let’s Build a Dream
We Take Care Of Everything
What exactly does it take to build a house from the ground up? You have found the land and hired Carty for your build. Aside from decisions about placement, colors and things like that, we will handle the heavy lifting. First, the design phase. Carty has a team of talented architects that can interpret your vision into the blueprints of your dream home. The blueprints are inspected, approved and then the permit process can begin. Once the permits are secured, the start date can be determined.
Pouring the Foundation
The most exciting part of the process is the day the shovels hit the dirt. All of the planning and designing is behind you; your dream lies ahead. The foundation is poured and the framers get to work. Before you know it the roof is on and doors appear! Walls rise from the once naked dirt and your windows to the world take shape.

The walls are standing, doors are hung and windows are mounted; it is time to concentrate on the siding, shingles and landscaping. A quality team of roofers can bang out an entire roof in a matter of days, siding is mounted and landscaping is being installed. At this point it seems as if there are a hundred people swarming around your new home. Forklifts raise shingles to the roof, siding and window trucks continually drop supplies and landscapers dig irrigation trenches. The site is alive with an orchestrated chaos that will be hard to imagine exists.
The interior work begins. Finish carpenters create the details inside of a new home: Skilled, time-consuming necessities like steps and woodwork; all crafted to specifications. It is now that the magical part of the home appears. Drywall is hung, taped and textured seemingly overnight. Paint is applied and the house smells of new construction; it is like that new car smell and it is the smell of dreams. Cabinets are hung, fixtures are mounted, all of the electrical goodies are stashed behind walls. Carpet is put down, appliances are installed and at this point it is difficult to remember where it all began. The blueprints have given life to a patch of dirt that, six months ago, held nothing but potential.
The Calm After The Storm
The key slips in the lock and you turn the doorknob of your new home. At times it seemed as if this day would never come. The moment you walk through the door... you are home. At Carty General Contracting, we are passionate about building dreams. Let us help you build your dream.